Request Content was Evicted from Inspector Cache: Solving

Error 404 and Person Looking for Something

In the realm of web development, challenges often arise, and one common hurdle is dealing with caching issues and the removal of responses from the inspector cache. 

This article addresses a prevalent concern encountered during the request execution process: the request content was evicted from the inspector cache error. We will explore practical solutions and insights to overcome this obstacle, offering valuable guidance to developers navigating through web development intricacies.

Configuring ESLint with “no-var-requires” Rule

When setting up ESLint, it’s crucial to understand the “no-var-requires” rule. This rule restricts the use of “require” statements unless they are part of import statements. Let’s delve into an example illustrating compliance with this rule in an ESLint configuration file:


// .eslintrc 

module.exports = { 

 rules: { 

  '@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires': 0, // Other ESLint rules... 




Resolving the Error with Dynamic Imports

To effectively address the “no-var-requires” error, dynamic imports can be a powerful tool. Unlike traditional “require” statements, dynamic imports enhance code flexibility. Consider the transformation from a “require” statement to a dynamic import:



// Before 

const moduleA = require('moduleA'); 

// After 

import('moduleA').then((moduleA) => { 

 // ModuleA is now available 



Using TypeScript-Specific ESLint Rules

Incorporating TypeScript into ESLint requires proper configuration. Ensure your .eslintrc file includes the necessary plugins and rules. Here’s an example:


// .eslintrc 


 "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", 

 "plugins": ["@typescript-eslint"], 

 "rules": { 

  "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": 0, // Other TypeScript-specific ESLint rules... 




Common Issues and Best Practices

When working with TypeScript and ESLint, compatibility issues and configuration errors may surface. Best practices include keeping dependencies up-to-date. Use the following command to check outdated dependencies:


npm outdated


Сheck out this video to know more

Other Helpful Code Examples

Explore alternative code snippets addressing the “require” statement not being part of the import statement. These examples can be found in the official documentation of TypeScript and ESLint, providing additional insights into resolving this common issue.

Dynamic Import for Improved Performance:


// Before 

const moduleA = require('moduleA'); 

// After 

const moduleA = await import('moduleA');


 Configuring ESLint Rules in .eslintrc:


// .eslintrc 


 "rules": { 

  "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": 0 




 Using TypeScript-Specific ESLint Rules:


// .eslintrc 


 "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", 

 "plugins": ["@typescript-eslint"], 

 "rules": { 

  "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": 0, // Other TypeScript-specific rules 




Handling Dynamic Imports in a Web Application:


// Dynamic import for lazy loading 

const loadModule = async () => { 

 const moduleB = await import('moduleB'); 

 // Use moduleB as needed 



Solutions for Cache-Related Challenges

Here are a few additional strategies to tackle cache-related challenges and ensure smooth web development:

  • Customizing Cache Handling: Consider implementing custom cache handling mechanisms based on your project requirements. This involves creating functions or middleware to manage caching behavior, providing more control over how responses are stored and retrieved;
  • Browser-Specific Considerations: Different browsers may exhibit varied behaviors related to cache management. Stay informed about the caching policies of major browsers and adjust your development strategies accordingly. For instance, some browsers may prioritize disk caching over memory caching;
  • Periodic Cache Clearance: Implement a periodic cache clearance strategy to prevent the accumulation of outdated or unnecessary data in the cache. This ensures that your application stays responsive and delivers up-to-date content to users.


Overcoming challenges related to inspector cache eviction requires a multifaceted approach. By configuring ESLint, leveraging dynamic imports, and following TypeScript-specific ESLint rules, developers can enhance their code quality. 

Additionally, exploring alternative code examples and considering additional cache-related strategies empowers developers to navigate cache challenges effectively. Remember, the key lies in understanding the nuances of cache management and tailoring your solutions to meet the unique demands of your projects.

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