Understanding & Solving the Plymouthd Crash

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System crashes can be quite frustrating, especially if they hinder your usage and productivity. One such notable issue is the Plymouthd crash which users often encounter upon booting Ubuntu systems. This article will serve as your comprehensive guide to understanding and resolving this problem effectively.

The Plymouthd Crash underscores the critical importance of risk management, a concept explored further in the article comparing PRM and FRM certifications.

Understanding the Plymouthd Crash

The Plymouthd crash in Ubuntu is often identified by an error message that states ‘PLYMOUTHD CRASHED WITH SIGSEGV IN SCRIPT_OBJ_DEREF_DIRECT()’ upon system boot. In most cases, a system update can trigger this error.

Detailed Solution to Plymouthd Crash 

Resolving the Plymouthd crash issue involves editing the grub file. Below are the steps in detail:

  • Open Terminal;
  • Input sudo vi /etc/default/grub to edit the grub file;
  • Locate the line #GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”splash plymouth:debug”;
  • Comment out this line by adding a ‘#’ to the beginning – #GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”splash plymouth:debug”;
  • Add a new line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”splash plymouth:debug”;
  • Save and close the file;
  • In the terminal, now type sudo update-grub to reboot grub;
  • Restart your system.

The above solution doesn’t only get rid of the error, but it also activates debugging and logs info into the /var/log/plymouth-debug.log. This feature can be instrumental in diagnosing future issues.

Additional Solutions

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In case the above method doesn’t work, there are other ways to tackle the Plymouthd crash:

  • Updating the system: Make sure to keep your system updated. Sometimes, bug fixes in updates can resolve such crashes;
  • Checking for incompatible software: Sometimes, certain software may cause conflicts leading to crashes. Identification and removal of such programs can resolve the issue.

While it’s important to know how to solve system crashes, preventing them is even better. Regular system updates, monitoring software installations, and maintaining a clean system environment are some ways to avoid such issues in the first place.


The Plymouthd crash might be daunting at first, but understanding the issue and following detailed steps can resolve it effectively. Log data can also be quite helpful in debugging future crashes. Remember, a well-maintained system can minimize such occurrences, ensuring smoother system performance and enhanced productivity.

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