Mastering Numpy Argsort: Reverse Order Trick

Process of creating numpy argsort reverse

To arrange in a descending sequence, one straightforward method involves flipping the resulting arrangement. Delve deeper into the intricacies of sorting direction by consulting the article detailing the utilization of argsort in descending sequences. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that the default sorting sequence in numpy follows a lexicographical pattern, a point elucidated in the provided resource. Concerning the numpy array arr1, it’s recommended to opt for sparse matrix representations exclusively when dealing with matrices possessing significant sparsity, typically exceeding 80% in MATLAB and presumed similar in Scipy.

The Power of Reverse Sort and Argsort in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

The Challenge: Extracting Meaning from Sparse Matrix Data

As a developer, you might face situations where you have to work with large data sets, especially if you’re dabbling in the field of big data analytics or machine learning. One such problem could be manipulating and interpreting data from a sparse matrix of type ‘numpy.float64’.

This data could represent the tfidf (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) scores, a common weighting scheme in search engines or text mining. Your task might involve the need to determine the indices and scores of documents in descending order based on the inner products of their tfidf scores for a specific idx document.

First Step: Getting Inner Product Vector for Specific Document

The first step you need to take is calculating the inner product vector of the specific idx document with all other documents. This can be done using NumPy’s inner function.

v = np.inner(tfidf, tfidf[idx].transpose())

Sorting Vector: Descending Order

The next step is to sort the calculated vector in descending order. It can be achieved through the sort function, and by using slicing to reverse the array.

vs = np.sort(v.toarray(), axis=0)[::-1]

Analysis & Extraction: Scores and Indices

After sorting, the task is to retrieve the scores and indices. This can be achieved by excluding the first element (as the first index would be of the idx document itself) and including all other elements.

scores = vs[1:,]

vi = np.argsort(v.toarray(), axis=0)[::-1]

idxs = vi[1:,]

The Current Solution: Inefficient and Needs Improvement

While the above steps may work, the code seems inefficient due to the reiteration of sorting processes (sort and argsort) and reversal. Further, the need to convert the sparse matrix into an array using toarray(), before proceeding with the sorting operation, could be seen as an unnecessary extra step.

The question is: Can we accomplish this task more efficiently? Is it possible to perform these operations without the need to transform the sparse matrix using toarray()?

The Next Steps

The above questions take us into exploring alternative, efficient methods of achieving the desired result while working with sparse matrices. Stay tuned as our guide delves deeper into the numpy argsort function and its reverse application in coming sections.

This guide aims to provide you with detailed insights, alternatives, and effective ways to deal with challenging scenarios like these. Through practical examples, simplified explanations, and expert tips, this comprehensive guide will help you to master the ‘numpy argsort reverse’ technique in Python.

Understanding reverse sort and argsort in Python

A novice Python programmer might confront a challenge when trying to compose a function to generate the scores and indices of documents in a descending order based on the inner products of Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (tfidf) scores.

Here is a stepwise breakdown of how to approach the problem:

  1. Compute the inner product vector of the idx document with all other documents;
  2. Execute the sort in descending order of the vector;
  3. Acquire all scores and indices starting from the second one up to the last one, excluding the first one.

An instance of a function to achieve the aforementioned steps is as follows:

import h5py

import numpy as np

def get_related(tfidf, idx):

    """Return the top documents"""

    # Compute the inner product

    v = np.inner(tfidf, tfidf[idx].transpose())

    # Sort 

    vs = np.sort(v.toarray(), axis=0)[::-1]

    scores = vs[1:,]

    # Sort indices

    vi = np.argsort(v.toarray(), axis=0)[::-1]

    idxs = vi[1:,] 

    return (scores, idxs)

In this context, tfidf signifies a sparse matrix of type ‘numpy.float64’. It’s worth noting that performing the sorting operation twice (sort() and argsort()) followed by reversing the result seems to be an inefficient approach. This brings us to the question: Can the task be accomplished more efficiently, and is it possible to conduct this operation without transforming the sparse matrix using toarray()?

Optimize and refine your approach

There is no requirement to avoid toarray as the v vector will only be as long as n_docs. Given practical scenarios, this length is minor compared to the size of the n_docs × n_terms tf-idf matrix. Also, the vector will be quite dense since any term shared by two documents will result in non-zero similarity. Sparse matrix representations prove to be beneficial only when the matrix in question is extremely sparse.

One can potentially evade the double sort by incorporating an alternative approach as follows:

v = v.toarray()

vi = np.argsort(v, axis=0)[::-1]

vs = v[vi]

It’s important to remember that the implementation of np.inner on matrices with sparse elements may not function optimally with the latest versions of NumPy. Therefore, to calculate the inner product of two sparse matrices, it is advised to use a more secure method like:

v = (tfidf * tfidf[idx, :]).transpose()

Reversing numpy argwhere

On occasion, we might find ourselves in a situation where a boolean numpy array has been used with np.argwhere(). The query then arises on how to efficiently perform the reverse operation. This will be covered in subsequent sections.

Unraveling the mysteries of undoing argsort() in Python

The task at hand pertains to arranging the elements within an array ‘a’ column by column. After this reorganization, some operations are to be performed on the array. The challenge is to revert the reshuffled array to its initial state, not merely by resorting it, but by tracking the movement of each element. The belief is that this complex process could be executed using the argsort() function. However, the application of argsort() results in sorting this array, and what’s critical is to understand how to invert or reverse its effects.

Breaking Down the Process

For better understanding, let’s delve deeper into the details:

The process begins with sorting the columns of the identified array. Two specific codes are used to perform this task: a and shape(a) = rXc.

Here’s how it’s done:

aargsort = a.argsort(axis=0)  # May use this later

aSort = a.sort(axis=0)

The next step involves averaging each row:

aSortRM = asort.mean(axis=1)

In situations where a more efficient method is sought for replacing each column in a row with the mean of that row, the following approach can be used:

aWithMeans = ones_like(a)

for ind in range(r)  # r = number of rows

    aWithMeans[ind]* aSortRM[ind]

After completing this set of operations, the array needs to be reverted to its original form – reversing the initial sorting.

Efficient Undoing of numpy argsort()

To undo or reverse the argsort(), an inverse sorting index must be created that can reorder the array back to its original state. That can be accomplished quite efficiently. The inverse sorting index will aid in reordering the sorted array back to its initial state, even after operations are performed on it.

Check for more details in upcoming sections on how to effectively master the undoing of argsort().

This tutorial will provide a clear, step-wise understanding, handy tips and the best practices to master reverse sorting in Python.

Understanding the inverse of argsort() in Python

Aiming to organize the components of an array ‘a’ column-wise, conduct certain operations, and then bring it back to its initial state can be a complex process. This is not simply about reorganizing the array, but rather, monitoring the movement of each element. This can certainly be accomplished with the assistance of the argsort() function in Python, but one might initially struggle to understand how to apply argsort() to sort the array or primarily, how to reverse or undo the effects of argsort().

Here’s an extensive breakdown:

In order to organize the columns of the array, the following specific codes can be used given shape(a) = rXc:

aargsort = a.argsort(axis=0)  # Might be used later

aSort = a.sort(axis=0)

Following the above, we can calculate the average of each row:

aSortRM = asort.mean(axis=1)

One might wonder if there’s a more efficient way of replacing each column in a row with the mean of that row. For that, we can use:

aWithMeans = np.ones_like(a)

for ind in range(r):  # r = number of rows


Achieving these steps leads to the need to reverse the sorting, which was done initially.

Reversing argsort()

Although executing an argsort() operation might not always present itself as the optimal solution, there are certainly alternate methods that can eliminate the need for sorting. However, if one needs to proceed with argsort(), here’s how it can be done:

import numpy as np

a = np.random.randint(0,10,10)

aa = np.argsort(a)

aaa = np.argsort(aa)

# Here, 'a' is the original array

# 'a[aa]' is the sorted array

# 'a[aa][aaa]' is the original array, inverted sorting

Besides this approach, there’s another solution for those still looking for an answer:

r = np.random.rand(10)

i = np.argsort(r)

r_sorted = r[i]

i_rev = np.zeros(10, dtype=int)

i_rev[i] = np.arange(10)

all_close = np.allclose(r, r_sorted[i_rev])

# 'all_close' returns True, indicating the original array matches sorted->unsorted array

With these steps, the original array can be efficiently rearranged and then restored to its initial state.

Navigating the Labyrinth of Argsort and Its Inversion in Python

It’s not unusual for programmers to grapple with the perfect approach to leverage argsort() in Python, and more dauntingly, how to undo its effects. Here are some solutions that can help unravel this mystery:

Alt: Side view of woman with laptop working on it

Solution 1: Python Implementation of Argsort

The first approach is rooted in Python’s native capabilities. The key idea is that argsort() stores the rearrangement of range(len(a)) to denote the original positions of elements in the sorted array.

Consider the following Python implementation:

x = list('ciaobelu')

r = list(range(len(x)))


This yields: [2, 4, 0, 5, 1, 6, 3, 7], indicating that the first element in the sorted array (sorted(x)) corresponds to x[2], the second to x[4], and so forth.

By organizing the sorted array, the original order can be restored. This can be visualized as “putting the items back in their original positions”.

s = sorted(x)

original = [None] * len(s)

for i, c in zip(r, s):

    original[i] = c

While more succinct methods might exist in numpy, this method underlines the core logic of the problem: returning elements to their original positions.

Solution 2: Argsort of Argsort – A Shortcut to Inversion

Arriving a tad late to this discussion, here’s a slightly different approach:

import numpy as np

N = 1000  

x = np.random.randn(N)

I = np.argsort(x)

J = np.argsort(I)

print(np.allclose(x[I[J]], x))

This approach is rooted in the principle that the nth element of the reverse sort, J[n] = k, can be used to sort I, where I[k] = n. This is achieved by performing an argsort() of argsort(), since I[J[n]] = n and J sorts I.

Solution 3: Harnessing numpy’s recarray.argsort()

Numpy’s recarray allows fields to be accessed as members of the array, using arr.a and arr.b. numpy.recarray.argsort() returns the indices required to sort the array. This functionality can help in efficiently undoing the argsort() operation. More details on the application of recarray.argsort() will follow in the subsequent sections.

Remember that practice and persistence are key when grappling with complex operations like these. Stay tuned for more tips and explanations in the upcoming sections.


In conclusion, mastering sorting techniques in numpy can greatly enhance efficiency and productivity in data manipulation tasks. By understanding how to arrange data in descending order and utilizing appropriate sorting methods, such as argsort, users can optimize their workflows. Additionally, being aware of default sorting behaviors, like the lexicographical order in numpy, provides valuable insights for data processing. Moreover, when working with numpy arrays, judicious use of sparse matrix representations is advisable, particularly when dealing with highly sparse matrices. Overall, a comprehensive understanding of sorting mechanisms and considerations in numpy empowers users to handle data more effectively in various applications.

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