Single-Attempt Abort, No-Fast Forward

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A plausible hypothesis that could underpin this situation might be that an alternate party is taking advantage of GitHub’s “REBASE AND MERGE” or “SQUASH AND MERGE” functionalities. These operations may generate commits, which, although identical in rationale to the ones previously delivered, exhibit distinct hash IDs.

Investigation into ‘Fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting’ Error

1. Employing Git Pull with Rebase

Utilize the git pull –rebase operation, eliminating the need to know the name of the destination branch distinctly—an apparent difference from other alternatives. If an upstream branch hasn’t been configured, using git pull origin <branch name> –rebase is advisable.

To apply this method globally, use the command git config –global pull.rebase true. This command was recommended by a GitHub community contributor and essentially sets the default behavior of git pull to be the same as git pull –rebase.

2. Understanding & Remedying Branch Incompatibility

The branch you’re working on cannot be fast-forwarded into the target branch because it’s no longer directly based on it. This branch inconsistency could be due to an unknown commit added to the target branch not present in your branch.

To successfully fast-forward, the working branch must envelop the target branch fully. Solutions to harmonize the branches are:

  • Rebase your working branch onto the target branch allowing for a fast-forward operation;
  • Alternatively, a standard merge could be performed.

3. Disabling Fast-Forwarding: Analyzing MSDT Code 1

MSDT code 1 suggests disabling the fast-forwarding feature using the –no-ff option. It’s an approach to consider when local commits don’t want to be lost in a fast-forward operation.

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Decoding and Navigating ‘Not Possible to Fast-Forward’ Git Pull Error


The “Not possible to Fast-Forward” error while executing git pull for a pre-existing history. This common obstacle is associated with Git version 2.33.1 but is anticipated to be addressed in the forthcoming version, 2.33.2.

The error message conveys that git pull has been configured to function with git merge –ff-only via git config pull.ff only, thus putting git pull in operation.

Step-by-step Solutions

Step 1: Fetch and Merge

Initiate with fetching the origin with git fetch origin issue-215, followed by merging using git merge –ff-only FETCH_HEAD. If an error ensues at this stage, it triggers program termination.

NOTE: If the manual execution doesn’t throw any errors, it could hint at a potential bug.

Step 2: Assess the History

Following the fetch, it’s essential to analyze the history by implementing git log –all –graph –decorate –oneline FETCH_HEAD. This step helps identify missing elements and establish an understanding of the irregularities.

Step 3: Identify Possible Causes

One likelihood is that the commits fetched are parallel in essence to the previously pushed ones but bear unique hash IDs. This discrepancy could emerge if another user is deploying either the “Rebase and Merge” or “Squash and Merge” operations.

Additional Potential Solutions

Solution 1: Update Git Version

It’s documented that Git 2.33.1 rejects a no-op case that it should ideally accept, as stated in pull.ff only. To overcome this issue, updating Git to a version beyond 2.33.1 or alternatively, employing git fetch followed by git merge –ff-only for this specific case if you have Git 2.33.1.

Solution 2: Command Line Operations

For those finding git pull complex, consider using command line operations. Transition to your branch using git switch my branch, then execute git fetch and git merge origin/master.

Final Note

In summary, understanding how to navigate working with unmerged older branches in Git is a crucial aspect of effective version control. This guide has laid out a systematic approach to fetch the most recent data, pull with rebase, and set up upstream, ensuring you avoid pitfalls such as the ‘fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting’ warning. This knowledge will bolster your proficiency with Git operations and enhance your code management strategies, making you a more adept and efficient developer.

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